My name is Richard Cardenas and I started my career as a production designer for a small sign shop in South Salt Lake back in 2007. I worked in their art department under a few talented graphic designers. I wasn’t doing any of the cool designing at the time, but I did learn a lot about the design process from creation to end product and got to smell a lot of solvents along the way. It created a passion in me to pursue my education in graphic design, where I studied for three years at the Art Institute of Salt Lake city. Since then I have gone on to become a published photographer [DEVOUR], and award winning designer, and I have had the chance to pursue some fun side projects with local musicians along the way.


Design should be personal, community-driven and radical. Utilizing these principles creates stronger, more thoughtful marks, and campaigns. This in turn builds stronger impacts, relationships, and honors the communities and audiences they are presented to.